5000 miles of hope

solo horse travel books, gear & bags

2019 》》》2020 – Wishing you the Best!

In this moment i was looking ahead- inside.
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As the year nears the end, and the weather is cool or downright cold, it’s the time for taking stock of what passed while setting sights on the year ahead.


2019 was pretty great for Roxy and I. After we managed to make it out of Guatemala, we began our second long ride and forged forward thru the majestic Mexican mountains and valleys, land of horse lovers and living legends.

I ate tacos with relish and gusto; we rode alongside companeros new and old for a day or two, or for a few.

We made our way north and endured the heat, never enjoying it. The shared dislike for the coastal climate was as heavy as the air. After months, us high plain drifters finally found our way into the altiplano and cried in relief.

As we entered the golden land of hay, Roxy gained so much weight we all thought she was pregnant.
Touring thru Queretaro, we witnessed a safe haven in a turbulent country, an environment where the best horse feed grows in abundance, and a place where Cabalgantes gather and enjoy their traditions.

This is where we settled.

I’m ending the year getting my professional life in order. I’ve been working diligently on getting my online ESL website ready for January; I’m creating profiles and getting gigs for remote freelance work; and I’m settling in to teaching English part time.

Our journey from Canada ended up being 2 long rides. Will I do one again? Probably not for a long long time. Maybe never, or until cars stop being such unfriendly road companions. Whichever comes first.

I get my hopes up thinking about breeding Roxy to the Andalucian donkey next July, and getting my dogs down here this spring.

The next little while, I’m going to put my head down and get at ‘er. It’s time to get some cash money in the bank.
Long riding isn’t expensive, but when you’re not making any money, sooner or later you run out…

I’ll end this post with an invitation:

If you want something to read during the long winter and are curious or serious about doing your own long ride, check out this link to my online books.


I have 7 PDF digital books available. Here are the book covers.

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Wishing you the best in 2020. May your trails be smooth and your grass green.

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All the best to you and yours.
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Roxy Roller invites you to enjoy the open road with us…

Please check out my new website for online ESL lessons. It’s called Learn ESL with Chris:

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2019 》》》2020 – Wishing you the Best!

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