5000 miles of hope

solo horse travel books, gear & bags

5000 Miles of Hope Trip Route

trip route
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This is the 5000 mile, 18 month, horse RIDE route.

Without the people I meet along the way, I won’t be able to do this trip. God willing, I will be receiving roadside assistance from the good people of Canada, America, Mexico, and Guatemala.

Pasture, hay, feed, food, water and shelter, will all be traded for or bought on a daily basis.


I look forward to meeting you on the road…

trip route
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SEPTEMBER Ontario, New York

OCTOBER New York, Pennsylvania

NOVEMBER Pennsylvania, West Virginia

DECEMBER Kentucky, Tennessee

JANUARY Tennessee

FEBRUARY Alabama, Mississippi

MARCH Arkansas, Texas


MAY Mexico Juevon!





5000 Miles of Hope Trip Route

25 thoughts on “5000 Miles of Hope Trip Route

      1. you rode thru my town on Thursday,Nov 11! I am a fellow horse owner and lover, wish I could have met u guys in person. Good Luck, stay safe and stay warm!!

  1. I have many miles of well KNOWN road time.
    I gave it up for the sake of my horses.
    I could not continue the martyrdom. ie Many close calls.
    It matters not whom the fault lies. Your horse looses and you cry many tears.
    My blessings are with you as you watch out for the four wheeled monsters. MSMDDocHarmony

  2. Wish you would come through Indiana, I would be honored to put you up. Have a wonderful anbd safe trip!

  3. If you have access to Google Maps or local, printed county maps, you can get off the busiest highways. I rode through NYS and on to Minnesota many years ago. What a relief it was to sometimes get off those bigger, busier roads! Have a great trip! I see you’re missing Oklahoma, so I won’t be seeing you if you stick close to your proposed route. You’ll probably have many offers to stay that are “just 20 miles out of your way.”☺️ Keep posting to this site so we can follow you, please.

    1. I LOVE Google maps. Works offline too in cached form. Thanks Orion Kraus (long rider from mexico to costa rica) for setting me up with it.
      I can see side roads ( diagonal roads that cross the grid are usually the original farm roads – no traffic). As well, in satellite mode I can see the farms ahead. Great tool.

      1. We are now using am offline map download app called MAPS.ME. I will still use Google maps at night to check someone’s location down the road. But during the day we use maps.me and save on battery usage. It also shows elevation gain and drop for the route chosen. It is like drawing a line on the roads you want to go on, no GPS navigation when off line, just digital map/route reading…

  4. Hi Chris I met you at the Legion in Barry’sBay when you told us about this journey you are doing. Good luck you and Roxie Stay well.

  5. Hi Chris. We got to meet you on your journey through Pa. We hope you had a good stay at CV Riding Club. Many prayers for safe travels.

  6. We just saw you coming through Point Marion, Pennsylvania just outside of Morgantown, West Virginia. If your still in the area we would love our kids to meet you and buy you lunch!

  7. hi! saw you go by our house. my brother spoke to you down on his farm. I wish I would’ve spoken to you. i’m sure you have some interesting stories. we live out on Urbania rd.(country road) which took you to 119. may God bless you with safe travels.

  8. hope you made it to the post office before they closed and out to your next stop over. We enjoyed having you stay with us and hope the rest of your trip is good. Will be keeping you in our prayers. Stay safe
    Ruby and Lloyd Collins

    1. We got the stuff and just finished the modifications. I will try out the new boots with retread added tomorrow! A new 3 part blog post will be up shortly.
      It was great visiting and having you guys as my hosts for those 2 days.
      Thanks so much

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