Chris MacLuckie is a humanitarian, environmentalist, author, farmer and animal lover.
Animals have always been part of his life. Riding horses, however is relatively new for him.
After deciding in 2014 that he wanted to return to Guatemala, Chris went about getting 2 road horses, and allowed for a 3 year timeline to prepare for the trip. Chris had just finished a highly successful season working for as a dog handler/ racer for a winning sprint musher and then returned to Ontario. Training, studying, talking to other “long riders”, buying saddles, tack and gear, all this took his time and attention during that period.
For the 2 years prior to the trip Chris and his horses lived off grid in a hole in the forest. No running water. No power. No cell service. No internet. Just a little homestead with the required animals and market garden. Dogs, pigs, goats, cats, chickens and market vegetables. While preparing mentally and physically for the trip, Chris wrote the second edition of his Edible Gardening Guidebook. Before dog mushing for 5 years, Chris ran a gardening business and an organic vegetable farm.
There has been one central theme throughout all these careers: a passion for managing and nurturing Living Systems.
Chris approached the 5000 mile solo horse ride as a serious expedition, not just a casual adventure to see what happens. This attitude came about from his previous work with animals and plants, his years as a bicycle racer and messenger, as well as from the literature he read to prepare. In particular, the resources and literature from the Long Riders Guild website were particularly informative. The Horse Travel Handbook and the Cavalry Horse and his Pack were indispensable books that really set the foundation for a successful trip.
The solo horse ride through 4 countries was a fundraiser for Maya Pedal, a Guatemalan NGO that makes pedal powered machines as an alternative for impoverished families and communities. The trip was mostly successful, but there were some misadventures…
Upon arriving in San Andres Itzapa 13 months and 7800 kms later, Roxy and Chris have been resting up for the last 10 weeks.
Chris MacLuckies’ professional career began with a decade-long stint as an organic vegetable grower in Ontario Canada. His career is prolific in breadth and scope. He has farmed organics commercially, volunteered in Guatemala, ran a gardening business, raised and raced sled dogs, tended his livestock, and ridden his horse on a multi-country expedition.
Chris is a certified TEFL ESL English Teacher, author of seven books, freelance content creator, and outdoor travel gear designer.