5000 miles of hope

solo horse travel books, gear & bags

Custom-fitted flex panel saddle pads

Let’s enter the world of custom-fitted flex panel saddles pads, updated for 2022. We all want the best for our horses, yet we know that finding the right fitting saddle isn’t as easy as snapping our fingers. And, often we have a saddle that used to fit right or fit another horse, or we just […]

UNAM Equine Reproduction Campus | Profile and Interview

Welcome to UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Equine Reproduction Facility, located in Santillan, Queretaro, México. Remember the 2 equine reproduction vets that discovered that my mare Roxy was NOT pregnant, in WEEK 21?

Javier Perez Rocha | Profile and Interview

Javier Perez Rocha is the owner of Rancho Santa Marina, an organic sheep cheese farm, located just west of Atongo, Queretaro. When Javier was a boy his father bought the farm and since 1983 it had seen many iterations: cattle, hay, asparagus, mixed vegetables. Now, since 2009, it produces organic sheep cheese.

Ivan Chavez | Profile and Interview | DAY 128

Ivan Chavez is a horse lover as well a materials specialist. He lives in Mexico City.
Ivan is a man of knowledge and skill and he was a great help to our long ride. Thank you Ivan.

Above is an audio file of my interview with him. You can download the file and share it with your friends!

Carlos Mancera Esquivel | Profile and Interview

Here you find an interview with Mexican horse trainer Carlos Mancera Esquivel. IN ENGLISH. Carlos is based out of Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, and combines Classical Equitation with Natural Horsemanship.

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