5000 miles of hope

solo horse travel books, gear & bags

Custom-fitted flex panel saddle pads

Let’s enter the world of custom-fitted flex panel saddles pads, updated for 2022. We all want the best for our horses, yet we know that finding the right fitting saddle isn’t as easy as snapping our fingers. And, often we have a saddle that used to fit right or fit another horse, or we just […]

1986 Wesco Highliners | Resole by Botines San Juan

Today I share a story about my old Wesco Highliner boots, the resole job done in San Juan del Rio, MX, as well as an interview and profile of the man who did the fine work, Ponce Moreno Cayetano.

Ivan Chavez | Profile and Interview | DAY 128

Ivan Chavez is a horse lover as well a materials specialist. He lives in Mexico City.
Ivan is a man of knowledge and skill and he was a great help to our long ride. Thank you Ivan.

Above is an audio file of my interview with him. You can download the file and share it with your friends!

La Terraza HM | Profile and Interview

Jessica Mata is an Escaramuza who began designing clothing in 2011, when finishing her university degree. She is based out of Apizaco, Tlaxcala, Mexico. She makes custom outfits for Escaramuzas, Charros, and Mariachis.

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