Ivan Chavez is a horse lover as well as a materials specialist. He lives in Mexico City.
After hearing about him via my friend and horse trainer Carlos Mancera Esquivel, I visited him in early September to attach his hybrid horseshoes to the bottom of my worn out Easyboot Originals, as well as make new saddle pad “booties” for my customized Orthoflex Traditional. Check out my upcoming posts on these two travel mods.
Ivan is a man of knowledge and skill and he was a great help to our long ride. Thank you Ivan.
Above is an audio file of my interview with him. You can download the file and share it with your friends!
During the day, he makes custom industrial parts and supplies, mostly out of plastics, via specialized molds. Since 2003 he has been supplying businesses with on demand parts for when they can’t source them elsewhere at a reasonable price.
He started making horse tack in 2013 for 2 main reasons:
- For better conditions for his horses.
- To test his knowledge.
He makes
- Saddle pads
- Halters
- Bridles
- Training lines
- Training whips
- Horse shoes
- Hoof boots
Now he sells some of his products.
He is securing a seamstress to sew the felt hybrid saddle pads and then will be offering those for sale.
He is also prototyping some hoof boots. Once they are proven, they will be presented on the market as well. Currently, his hybrid horseshoes are available for both front and rear hoofs.
You can contact Ivan directly to purchase any of his tack, or to request a special order. After all, that’s what he does for a living.
Chris MacLuckies’ professional career began with a decade-long stint as an organic vegetable grower in Ontario Canada. His career is prolific in breadth and scope. He has farmed organics commercially, volunteered in Guatemala, ran a gardening business, raised and raced sled dogs, tended his livestock, and ridden his horse on a multi-country expedition.
Chris is a certified TEFL ESL English Teacher, author of seven books, freelance content creator, and outdoor travel gear designer.