5000 miles of hope

solo horse travel books, gear & bags

Mad Barn Supplements

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I first realized I would need to supplement feeding in October, about a month into the ride.

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I researched the best concentrates and ended up buying msm, mag oxide and curcumin. This lasted 3 months. I wasn’t sure how well it was working, so I the decided to get something made professionally. A concentrate for specifically for the hooves, joints and digestion.

I had been feeding various feeds nightly at my daily hosts homes and it was starting to affect Roxys’ health. As I reached West Virginia, I started drinking more sweet tea, and I noticed that more and more horse people fed a low protein sweet feed.

I was recommended 2 suppliers and I chose to go with the supplier that some friends of mine use for their endurance horses.

Nutrition and Supplements for your horse | Mad Barn
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Mad Barn is out of Ontario Canada. They make a range of products. I asked Scott the owner if he could make me something extremely concentrated and he managed to make me a formula that weighs 2kgs (4.4lbs) and provides 30 days of servings. The MacLuckie Custom costs $60 delivered.

Here is the ingredient list.

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It’s important that Roxy gets all the basic minerals throughout this trip the probiotics help digest all the different feeds.

I have been using it for 60 days now and I believe it’s making a positive impact. Around the same time I started the Mad Barn I started giving canola oil and cool calories, a granulated fat product. I had been giving oil for 6 months before leaving, but for some reason I stopped as the trip went on. Probably because I thought it would be hard to cart around or buy. I also didn’t know about cool calories back then either.

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Roxy got sick just before Christmas and lost some weight. For 6 weeks I’ve been adding these 3 items to the soaked feed at night and in the morning. She is looking almost as good as when we started, a little less weight, but a shinier coat then in December.

My feeding protocol is as follows.





Soaked feed

Mad barn

Cool calories and / or canola oil

I always soak whatever feed I give. I want to reduce any chances of getting colic. Feeding the oil helps prevent it as well.

I feed the soaked grain feed twice a day. A little more at night. I add the cool calories and/or fat and mad barn after it is soaked.

The idea is to get the calories in without making the horse too hot. Hence the fat.

I prefer alfalfa pellets as my feed of choice. I got it once with rice bran, that was an added bonus.

Roxy gets grass during the day and sometimes at night. Otherwise she gets hay.

She gets water throughout the day and night.

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Mad Barn Supplements

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