5000 miles of hope

solo horse travel books, gear & bags

Maya Pedal Horse Ride Fundraiser

Maya Pedal Horse Ride Fundraiser
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In September 2017, we embark on a 2 year, 5000 mile horse ride to discover delicious food, visit healthy farms, and raise funds for MAYA PEDAL, our Guatemalan Project Partner.

Maya Pedal develops, builds, markets and distributes sustainable pedal powered technology to assist Guatemalans in their day to day life. Their sustainable development initiatives benefit the average family by freeing up their time and allowing them to undertake their food and farm tasks more efficiently and ecologically. Since their inception in 2001, the Guatemalan NGO has gone worldwide in the application of inexpensive sustainable technologies. The machines they build include: corn grinders, metal grinders, coffee de-pulpers, blenders, water pumps, and cargo bikes.

For a clearer picture, here is a wonderful video made by Great Big Story:
The Amazing Bike Machines of Guatemala

I interned for Maya Pedal in 2003. During my 8 month stint I helped develop new prototypes; I marketed, sold and installed existing machines, while promoting organic agriculture in different parts of the country. Highlights for me were seeing how HAPPY whole families were when they trialled then purchased a machine. Everyone was just so HAPPY!

Join us on our 2 year horse ride fundraiser for Maya Pedal! It starts April 2017 and ends with the Vuelta Maya Pedal in the spring of 2019. Funds raised will go towards prototype testing, marketing and promotion, materials and infrastructure costs. The result of your donation to Maya Pedal will be an increase in family well being, prosperity, and health, for Guatemalans and citizens of the entire world.

Please take a look at the Maya Pedal Horse Ride Fundraiser on Go Fund Me.

I also invite you follow the trip on social media. Look for #5000milesofhope


Maya Pedal Horse Ride Fundraiser

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