5000 miles of hope

solo horse travel books, gear & bags

Month 2 | Takeaways

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Month 2 | Takeaways

》Roxy coming around.
》Presentations can be fun – if people show up.
》Everyone’s expectations are different.
》Starting to retrace last year’s route
》Equinotherapy in Mexico.

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Comitan to Santo Domingo Ingenio | 458 kms.

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Roxy DAY 55

In Week 6 I did 3 group rides and Roxy really came around in terms of effort, gait and attitude. She hammered it those days.

Since then, I feel she’s back in the game like during the first ride from Canada to Guatemala. The back pain is gone and the unusual gait that popped up at times. Like I mentioned in Month 1 | Takeaways, she came into this second long ride with less fitness than the first time, and that the first 2 weeks were really hard on her because of the hills.

We took it easy and rode very low kilometers the first 7 weeks. Week 8 we rode at our ideal mileage for this journey by horseback: 125kms per week.

My takeway here is that rhythm is the cure…


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Giving a horse travel presentation at Centro Ecuestre San Antonio, Chiapa de Corzo, MX.

I gave 2 presentations on horse travel so far. The 3rd one was promoted terribly and no one showed up, not even the people promoting it. The first 2 went quite well; I was bummed out by the lack on persistence on the part of the promoter the 3rd time. In Mexico everyone says they’re your friend and they got your back, but that is not quite the truth. The ones that got your back REALLY got your back, but the others are just hot air. This is what I refer to as the “Infamous Mexican Bullshit” in my horse travel handbook.

For the first 2 presentations I spoke in front of 10 and 20 people respectively. It’s a lean start, but the attendence and frequency of the talks are going to increase as I go further north. I’ve been invited to speak at several universities, riding schools and congresses. Here’s a big cheers to that.

The participants in particular enjoyed the parts on feeding, and hoof care including Easyboots. People are loving the Easyboots!

My takeaway here is that persistence leads to manifestation…


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Hold your center.

My expectations for our second long ride are different from my first. From myself, from Roxy and from the people I meet. I’m going for my quality and less quantity. More in-depth conversations, more analysis, more cross training, more learning and sharing and more appreciation.

I’m not expecting to beat records this time around, nor am I looking to go on the most hair-rising adventures so I can brag about them.

People’s expectations of me vary wildly. Some want FOTO FOTO FOTO, others want endless stories, others want everything explained ad nauseam. I stay true to my goals and center while trying to act with respect to all of our expectations.

My takeaway on this is that if you don’t know your center, you will be blown away by the wind of everyone else’s desires…


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Family is family.

This began at the end of Week 6. Tuxtla was the first place I was at both last year and this year, but unfortunately both times I spent in Tuxtla, we’re waiting for supplies (hoof boots) that took forever to arrive. Cities aren’t really the ideal place to spend down time with your horse, at least for me. I much prefer small towns and ranches…

As I went on over week 7 and 8 I revisited friends and hosts from the first trio south. It was really cool to travel the other eay, almost a year later with the same horse. I highly recommend it if you are going to do some serious long riding. It makes me feel like I’m on some sort of trade route..

My takeaway here is that this journey of mine is much more than just a horse adventure…


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Angel and Equinoterapia, Cabambini, Tuxtla, MX.

I started this trip not knowing much about Equinotherapy, but I wanted to do a fundraiser for something horse related, so I contacted “Red de Terapias Ecuestres México” to see if they would like my promotional support. They obliged so we put together some pages on my site and made a rough plan for fundraising. During my trip, I visit equine therapy centers and document my experiences. I also give presntations. Half of the donations go towards this organization, that represents over 150 Equine Therapy centers throughout Mexico.

My takeaway is that I’m learning as I go!


Month 2 was more of what I expected in the trip. It offered a lot for me to digest and appreciate. I am grateful.

Month 2 | Takeaways

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