5000 miles of hope

solo horse travel books, gear & bags

Month 4 | Takeaways

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Here are my 5 takeaways from Month 4:

  • Mistakes and Lessons
  • Higher ground
  • The beginning of the end
  • Old friends
  • Integrity and values


Mistakes and Lessons

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*Trusting the wrong people
*Accepting offers from people when I shouldn’t have.
*Operating on low for extended periods due to the heat

Lessons: I’m learning so much on this ride.

  • That Roxy and I aren’t as strong as the first ride from Canada to Guatemala.
  • That many people give, but their gift has high expectations in return.
  • That easy come, easy go.
  • That faith is stronger than even hope. And that faith is everything.
The takeaway here is that this is life. You learn as you go.

Higher ground

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Reaction to Veracruz.

The events that occurred in Puerto Veracruz resulted in the termination of my involvement promoting RED DE TERAPIAS ECUESTRES IN MEXICO. I realized once I wasn’t involved with RED anymore, and how that happened, that I was going to have to let them talk about me as they will. I noticed previously that on their WHAT’SAPP group chat, there was at times a lot of gossiping and rumour spreading. So I could only imagine that this would happen about me. Whatever. I know what happened, and I know how few people actually do know what happened. Yet I know how quick people are to talk about something with authority, as if they were actually there as well. I take the higher ground on this one.

My takeaway on this is that you got to stick to your guns.

The beginning of the end

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Heading to cooler land for ESL opportunities

It took forever, but reaching the cooler land above Veracruz changed everything. It means that the trio could end at any time. I originally wanted to ride up to the north of the country, then back down to the center before finishing. But a couple events helped me decide to end it as soon as I found a good place to live and teach. The biggest reason was that I originally thought I would be OK with traveling close to cities to visit Equine Therapy Centers. After the Veracruz visit. I realized the last thing I want to do is go anywhere near a city with Roxy. And, because the talks I gave in Veracruz raised so little money, it’s not feasible to go tour the country giving talks when I barely have any money to survive as I’m not working. So, the beginning of the end, is me looking at all my options for teaching ESL as I travel along with Roxy.

My takeaway here is that it was worth persevering through all the crap of the 2nd and 3rd month.

Old friends

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Retracing first route in Tlaxcala and Hidalgo, in reverse.

I retraced my route a little in Chiapas and Oaxaca, and now again in Tlaxcala and Hidalgo. It’s so amazing to go back to an area you road a year previous, to see people you know from before. Good people are everywhere, but there’s something comforting in visiting people you knw, when on the road, far, far away from home.

My takeaway is that adventures aren’t always about new things and people.

Integrity and values

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Living for my values.

Compromise is something we all do at times in our lives. It’s somewhat essential to exist together in a society together. BUT, happiness and freedom come from living according to your values, not others… having the courage to live for you, even if it goes against the grain is liberating. The energy sets you free. Over the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about my values and how to support them. Because of the recent wildfires globally, I think it’s really really important that we support reforestation, species diversity, and organic agriculture. NOW.

My takeaway here is that you be you. There’s no one else to do it for you.

MONTH 4 was a month of many lessons. It was a good one.

Month 4 | Takeaways

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